Saturday March 29, 2025 ● 9:00 am - 1:00pm
● Andover Chess Club 35 Essex St. Andover MA 01810
Please join us for a fun and friendly chess tournament with International Master David Vigorito ('Mr. V'). Four round Swiss-style tournament – every player plays all four rounds.
An ideal ‘first tournament’!
Mr. V has run this tournament for over ten years! The tournament is open to all Andover students, Andover Chess Club members, and students from Mr. V’s classes.
See full rules and regulations in the PDF below.
Personalized Commemorative Medals for all players. Trophies for top 3 players* in each section:
Grades 2-3
Grades 4-5
Grades 6-8
* U.S. Chess Federation tiebreak system used in event of multiple players finishing with the same score. Sections with 20 kids or more will have trophies for the top 5 players!
Advance entry only! Space is limited! The last two years we have had a HUGE turnout so we expect to fill all spots in the event.
Registration cost is $20 by March 8, $25 thereafter. No entries after March 21 (we need time to order the trophies and personalized medals!). Complete rules and regulations. Questions? dvigorito@msn.com